SGCI 2014 – San Francisco

I recently returned from the 2014 SGCI conference in San Francisco. As always it was great to connect and reconnect with printmakers from around the world. Some highlights included Kathan Brown’s talk, the Open Portfolio sessions, and the opportunity to be introduced to Jiri Anderle’s sublime work in the flesh. Some products to try including water-based etching ink by Charbonnel and a non-toxic ground called B.I.G (it can apparently stand-in for hard, soft and aquatint grounds – available at Takach soon). All my fellow silkscreen friends were nerding-out about a new screen re-streching system from Squeegeeville (who also have some great silkscreen books available).

Hi to anyone I met at SGCI – you can also follow me on Twitter @heatherhuston or on Instagram @printerbird.

Now I am busy preparing for my exhibition at SNAP on April 24th, end of semester and prepping Alberta Printmakers’ after a recent move. Some photos from the trip below!

My table during open portfolios

My table during open portfolios

Jeffrey Dell's cakey blends.

Jeffrey Dell’s cakey blends.

New quick screen re-streching from Squeegeeville

New quick screen re-streching from Squeegeeville

Hanging out at Crown Point Press in front of Mamma Anderson's plate

Hanging out at Crown Point Press in front of Mamma Anderson’s plate

Sean Caulfield's work

Sean Caulfield’s work

Beautiful and strange lithographs by Michael Barnes

Beautiful and strange lithographs by Michael Barnes

Some layered glass silkscreening by Bullseye glass.

Some layered glass silkscreening by Bullseye glass.


Uncanny Flux

I recently headed back to Trois Rivieres to set up my solo exhibition Uncanny Flux at Presse Papier. My work arrived ahead of me and unfortunately one of the houses did not emerge from his journey unscathed. Fortunately, after a day and night in the art hospital and a bit of glue, it was back in the game and ready to go. A few technical misunderstandings later and the show was up. The show is a mixture of silkscreen prints and a couple of my house sculptures. The exhibition is on at Presse Papier from now until March 16th.


Summer Exhibition Extravaganza!

Lots of exhibitions on the go this summer! My work is still at Red Delicious Press for the Water on Paper exhibition. I am participating in the 12th Lessedra World Art Print Annual in Bulgaria and the 33rd Miniprint of Cadaques in Spain both for the second time. They are large miniprint exhibitions that take place each year. I am also showing work for the first time in New York and have a piece in the Manhattan Graphics Center’s 3rd Annual Printmaking Juried Show. The juror is Roberta Waddell, Curator of Prints Emerita, New York Public Library. Go go prints to places that I’ve never been! (and bring back cake or some sort of local treat).

Printeresting Article

Printeresting is one of my favourite printmaking sites and I was thrilled that they recently accepted an article that I wrote about the 8th Biennial International d’Estampe Contemporain de Trois Rivieres (BIECTR). Back in November, I was invited to be part of the jury, an intensive three-day process that was an awesome opportunity to dialogue about amazing prints (in French no less) and I wanted to visit the exhibition once it was up. In June I attended the opening of the exhibition which sprawls across four venues. Its a great selection of works by some amazing artists from around the world. You can read my article here: Trois-Rivieres Survey

Global Matrix III: Still Travelling

Over a year ago I was pleased to have my work selected for Global Matrix III, a travelling print exhibition that started at Purdue University Galleries. The exhibition showed up at Wright State University’s Robert and Elaine Stein’s Galleries in Dayton, Ohio in late 2012 after having moseyed around the US for the past year. An article about the exhibition mentions my work in the 9th paragraph which in my opinion is the best paragraph.

Water on Paper at Red Delicious Press

Currently my work is on display in Aurora, Colorado at Red Delicious Press in their juried exhibition Water on Paper. I was selected as one of seven artists exploring themes of water in their work. My two newest silkscreens are there along with work by Steve Dininno, Susan Hambleton, James Hubbard, Julia Rymer, Pamela Schenfeld, and Marcus Thibodeau.