On The Bus at the EPCOR CENTRE for the Performing Arts

The portfolio that I organized after my trip to China for the Qijiang Printmaking Festival is currently being exhibited at the EPCOR CENTRE for the Performing Arts here in Calgary. They have a series of window galleries that feature small project works. Its been great to reconnect with some of the international artists that I met on this trip through this exhibition. If you hit up a play at the Centre in the next few months, be sure to take a look.





In China

Its my last morning in Beijing before I catch a plane to Chongqing where I will be participating in the 3rd Qijiang International Printmaking Festival.

Just back from my trip, exhausting and wonderful.  They really went all out with girls dressed in white with furry shawls to welcome us, all kinds of banners and posters, corsages and floral bouquets.  It was strange to be photographed all week, taken for lavish dinners (of all kinds of innards) and to try and communicate with people using mostly culturally-ignorant pantomime.  It was excellent to see all the wonderful work in the show and meet some of the other artists.  Here’s the website for the exhibition: 3rd Qijiang International Printmaking Festival.  More to come on the trip and the other artists!

hi its me next to my printI spoke at a symposium about something that I’m sure was not the same as what it says on the poster.